- Seminars take place during Spring semester, Thu 18:30 - 21:00, room C.110, except for Purim, Passover, and Independence Day. See the course calendar.
- Each week will cover a specific theme. Some reading material will be provided before most weeks.
- Two student presentations each week, 45-50 minutes each, plus discussions and a short break.
- Each presentation will cover 1-3 papers, depending on the scope and complexity of the papers.
- Presented research will focus on applications of mathematical, statistical, or computational modeling to a biological question, focusing on the fields of population biology: evolution, genetics, ecology, epidemiology, and behavior.
- Students will choose papers from the papers list; students may suggest papers, in which case they must be approved by Yoav (send an email).
- Students may present alone or in pairs. Presentations by pairs will have higher expectations.
- Students will meet with Yoav twice before their presentation (room PE.309):
- Two weeks before the presentation, after reading the papers, to describe the presentation outline.
- One week before the presentation, after preparing a draft of the presentation, to ask questions and show the draft.
- These meetings will take place on Thu 16:00 - 18:15, room PE.309, make sure to schedule well in advance (especially before holidays).
- Grading will be based on presentation and participation:
- Participation: attendance (mandatory), alertness, asking questions, discussions, familiarity with reading material
- Presentation: presenting (1) a biological question and the minimal required background, (2) the model, (3) the method for solving/approximating/applying the model to the biological question, (4) results of the model relating to the biological question, (5) possible extensions or applications, (6) experiments or observations supporting model assumptions or results or on which the model can be applied.
- Guest lectures: we will have 3-4 guest lectures. If you would like to meet with the guest, please email Yoav.
- To request to schedule a presentation or a meeting, open a pull request by editing the calendar page. Your scheduling request is approved when your pull request is merged.
- Check that there are no open pull requests for the requested time.
- To schedule a presentation, add your name/s as speakers to the first table in the calendar.
- To schedule a meeting, add your name/s to the second table in the calendar at the requested time.
- In the pull request, please specify which papers/topic, more or less, you want to present.